Signs of an Open Crown Chakra
Signs of an Open Crown Chakra

Signs of an Open Crown Chakra

Signs of an open crown chakra include:

Improved intuition

Clear mind

Spiritual awakening

Greater sense of purpose

As the crown chakra becomes open and balanced, we have a greater sense of ourself. We are full of compassion and empathy. We are open ourselves to a power greater than us that provides us with a sense of peace and connectedness. As the crown is opening, we feel inspired and devoted.

With this chakra, we learn we are responsible for what we create. When we act, think, and speak from a place of love and with love, we become happier and healthier individuals. We release the things that don’t serve us a greater purpose or those things that weight us down. We let go of the what ifs, doubt, and questioning that so often hold us back. We hand it all over and know life is working in our best interest.

An open crown chakra has beautiful effects. It brings a positive outlook on life and calms us. We become more accepting and see all the things we should be grateful for. The crown chakra is a key into finding our authentic self. We can meditate, do yoga, or keep a gratitude journal to help keep the chakra open and balanced.

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