Spiritual Health
Spiritual Health

Spiritual Health

Our spiritual health matters just as much as our mental, emotional, and physical health. A way to help our spiritual health is to try to live a purposeful life. When our life has purpose, it makes us happier. It isn’t easy to live a purposeful life, especially when so many things can happen daily to throw us off our course. Living in the moment happens when we let go of the past and stop worrying about the future. We can help ourselves to stay in the moment by practicing meditation, yoga, or praying.

Do you know what matters most to you? Do you spend time each day allowing yourself to focus on this aspect of your life? Many people struggle in trusting themselves or their intuition. This usually occurs from being hurt and burned too many times by others. If you have a good heart, you want to see the good in everyone and everything, but sometimes you have to let go of that. If there’s a nagging feeling that something isn’t right, trust that feeling.

We focus on the things that go wrong in life a lot more than we do on the things that go right. We woke up late. Maybe we didn’t have time to pack lunch. We got delayed in traffic. The kids made a huge mess. Dinner burned. Our mind gets trained to look for the negatives and then we focus on them. We can retrain our minds though.

I may have woken up late, but I woke up. I was delayed leaving the house which made it so I was held up in traffic, but there was a bad accident I would have been driving into had I left on time. Kids are only little for so long and they laughed so hard making their messes. It takes time, practice, and patience to see there are good things around us all the times. Focusing on the positive doesn’t mean feelings are shoved down or that negative things don’t occur. It’s just about building resilience to handle whatever life throws at us.

When we focus on our spiritual health, it helps encourage us to take care of our physical and mental health as well. We want to feel good in every aspect of our life. I hope today you take the steps to nurture your spirituality.

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