Toxicity in the Body
Toxicity in the Body

Toxicity in the Body

paper cutout of toxin word
Photo by Monstera Production on

The body is capable of handling low levels of toxins and rid them through numerous detoxification systems. Toxicity in the body occurs when the amount of toxins is greater than our bodies can remove. Over time, toxins accumulate, referred to toxic load, and overwhelm and overtax the body. Since the toxins build slowly over time, they may contribute to various chronic issues rather than causing acute problems.

Internal and External Toxins

There are numerous internal and external toxins that may contribute to toxicity in the body. These items include, but aren’t limited to:

*Air, water, food, household products, and personal care products (external).

*Bacteria and other flora in the intestines and waste products from normal metabolism (internal).

Becoming a Problem

As mentioned previously, the body is capable of removing low levels of toxins from the body. We do this through our kidneys, lungs, skin, liver, digestive system, brain, and lymphatic system. Toxins become a problem when the rate of exposure is greater than what the body can handle. It is a problem when the toxins overwhelm the normal detoxification mechanisms of the regular systems the body has in place. Toxins also become a problem when the specific nutrients needed for detoxification are lacking. Lastly, the toxin levels become a problem when our organ’s detoxification mechanisms are no longer able to function optimally.

Signs of Toxicity

While there may not be one classics way for toxicity to present itself and symptom are varied, there are a few common signs of toxicity in the body. These signs include:

*Headaches *Brain fog *Allergies *Fatigue *Sluggishness *Poor concentration *Stuffy nose *Sinus problems *Coughing *Irritability *Weakness *Mood swings *Muscle and/or joint aches and pains *Sleep problems

Lesser symptoms include:

*Skin rashes *Water retention *Gas *Bad breath *Acne *Feeling puffy *Eczema *Constipation *Diarrhea *Sensitivities to chemical odors, perfumes, food, and drugs *Trouble losing weight *Bloating *Itching

Lifestyle Detox

There are numerous ways to support a healthy detox system. We can start by incorporating healthy and nutritional foods to our diets and eliminating or reducing foods that reduce our detoxification mechanisms ability to function properly. Things we would want to eliminate include sugar, processed foods, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, and factory-farmed meats. Including whole grain foods, fruits, vegetables, herbs and supplements helps our bodies to work properly.

We also should pay attention to the products we use. Many items have chemicals in them increase the amount of toxins in our body. Chemicals may be found in foods, water, and personal care products.

Other lifestyle detox ideas we can adopt to reduce toxicity in the body include the following:

*Sweating it out through exercise and saunas *Dry brush your skin *Rest *Do restorative yoga *Get at least 8 hour of sleep *Take a tech break *Drink warm lemon water *Rest your mind *Drink plenty of water *Breath deeply *Exercise gently *Relax/make quiet time for yourself *Take a bath with epsom salt *Get a massage

Wrapping It Up

Toxicity in the body may be caused by numerous factors. We can take steps to make it so our body’s natural detoxification mechanisms are working at their best to rid the body of wastes that don’t belong. If you are concerned about the level of toxins in your body, talk to your physician and see what things might benefit you.


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