Unleash the Power of Malachite
Unleash the Power of Malachite

Unleash the Power of Malachite

Unleashing the Power

Malachite is used for energy healing, spiritual practices, and personal growth. It helps us to release negativity while boosting our physical health. It enhances our immune system and respiratory system. So how do you unleash the power of malachite? We start by cleansing and purifying the crystal. We can do this several ways. One way is to run water over the crystal or placing it in a bowl of saltwater for a few moments. We also can use sage to smudge it. Others like to use the full moon and place the crystal in its light.

The next step in unleashing the crystal’s power is setting your intentions. While holding the crystal, take a few deep breaths. Set your intentions. You may ask for emotional healing, abundance, protection, or numerous other things, but be clear and specific about your intention. If you have been suffering from illness, you may put the intention out there for better health and healing. After the intentions have been set, carry or wear your crystal. By carrying or wearing malachite, we allow its energy to stay close to us and interact with our energy field. Lastly, we can meditate with the crystal. It’s important to find a quiet and peaceful location where you are able to sit comfortably without being interrupted. Hold the crystal or place it over the heart as you meditate. Close your eyes, relax, and focus on your breathing. Open yourself up to receiving the crystal’s energy and let it flow through you. Connect your intentions with the crystal and your breathing. When we meditate with malachite, we are promoting inner balance and transformation.

Crystals are a unique way to help raise our energies and heal our mind, body, and soul. Find the crystal that works well for you and spend time with it. Cleanse your crystal often to keep its energy and vibrations strong.

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