

We are all made of energy. Everything around us is made up of energy as well. When our energy is high, it is because our vibrations are high. When energy is low, we have low vibrations. We can be having a day where we feel lighter and happier, but end up around someone who is sick or depressed and we pick up on their energy. It’s possible for our energy to drain when around people with low energy. It’s important for those who work with energy to take steps to maintain their own energy while helping others with increasing their energy.

Low vibrations may also be caused by having negative emotions, poor health, and weak thoughts and beliefs. Repressing emotions, feeling like you don’t belong, and feeling lost can contribute to low vibrations. All is not lost if vibrations are low. We are all capable of bringing our vibrations back up so we can feel better and more at ease. I have another post, Raising Vibrations, that gives ways to bring vibrations back up.

Having high vibrations doesn’t mean bad days don’t happen or that we are repressing feelings. It mean we are building a resilience to help us through the harder days and emotions. The more we practice at raising vibrations, the better we are at handling whatever life throws at us and it also boosts our immune systems to help keep us healthy.

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