Your Self-Worth
Your Self-Worth

Your Self-Worth

Self Worth

They told you who they thought you were. You weren’t good enough. You weren’t smart enough. You weren’t pretty/handsome enough. You weren’t fast enough. You weren’t strong enough. Every time they spoke, more and more of your self-worth went away until it was all gone. They wished you away, but in the next breath, they’d pull you back in. Your heart hurt. Your soul heart. And it was confusing as hell. The day you started to see the problem was with them and not you, you began to grow. Little by little, you pieced your heart and soul back together. You found out more and more about who you are. You are amazing. You’re talented. You’re strong. You can do anything you put your mind to. You’re beautiful/handsome. You are smart. You are wanted and needed and matter to the right people. You are supported and brave. Your self-worth slowly started to reappear. The more you closed down to who they tried to make you think you were, the more you opened up to your true self. Their words aren’t your truth. Find yourself, find your worth.

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