Month: <span>March 2023</span>
Month: March 2023

Ask the Universe

Have you ever took the time to ask the universe for something? Today, I am asking the universe to send healing and protection to me and those I love. I am asking the universe to release the worries and anxieties that life …


SELF-LOVE — Read on


Meditation is something we all can take the time to do daily to regroup. Meditation doesn’t give you control over the situations in your life. Nothing truly gives you control over the things that happen, but taking time to meditate can help …

Love in Your Heart

If we move through life with love in our heart, we are more capable of facing what comes our way. You don’t have to love the struggles or the obstacles that life throws, but when you live each day with love in …

Love Matters

Love Matters — Read on

Life is

Life is — Read on

Seeing Mistakes

Many times seeing mistakes means we put ourselves down. We see it as being a failure and we struggle to come back from it. We’re all human. We all make mistakes. If we learn from them, we grow. We learn what doesn’t …

Oyster Mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms have numerous health benefits. They have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties boost our immune system and help our bodies to fight off diseases. These mushrooms promote heart health and healthy blood sugar.

What Makes You Happy

What makes you happy? Maybe reading, taking a walk in nature, spending time with your kids and loved ones. Have you stopped today to think about the things that make you happy? When we take time to show gratitude for the things …


Endometriosis is a disorder in which tissue that normally grows within the uterus grows outside of it. Women who have endometriosis suffer from pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, heavy periods, and often times, infertility. We can combat the symptoms of endometriosis by using …