

Meditation allows us to improve focus, concentration, and lets us be here in the moment. It has been linked to help with anxiety, stress, depression, and pain. Meditation may also decrease heart diseaes and lower blood pressure. What type of meditation do you prefer?

When my mind is quite busy, I like to try guided meditation. Hearing someone talking me through the meditation helps me to keep my mind focused. I also enjoy when they say if your mind starts to wonder, that’s okay. Just bring it back and focus on the breath. It is confirmation that others also have minds that wonder and need help being grounded.

I also like visualization meditation. Visualization meditation uses guided imagery. It requires concentrating on a mental image, or several images, to help with focus. Sometimes this form of meditation will use the image of white light shining down on the head and flowing down through the body. Other times, a serene scene will be used, such as the ocean or being in nature.

Some other forms of meditation include spiritual, mantra, transcendental, mindfulness, movement, and chakra. When you try out meditation, keep an open mind and experiement. You might find you prefer one form over another. Have fun with it!

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