Natural Migraine Remedies
Natural Migraine Remedies

Natural Migraine Remedies

Natural Migraine Remedies


-Improves platelet function, may reduce or block pain-transmitting chemicals, prevents narrowing of blood vessels

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

-decreases C-reactive protein, contains anti-inflammatory properties, reduces pain

B6 Vitamin

-involved in creating neurotransmitters, reduces homocysteine levels, decreases frequency and severity of migraines


-good gut-health may benefit those with migraines by creating a balance, may decrease severity of migraines


-relieves spasms in smooth muscle tissue, may reduce frequency and duration of migraines


-improves circulation, relaxes blood vessels, decreases stickiness of platelets

Black Cohosh

-balances estrogen levels, decreases frequency of migraines associated with hormonal changes

Proper Diet

-food allergies and intolerances may increase the occurrence of migraines, giving the body what it can absorb and digest helps to prevent migraines

Regular Exercise

-suppressess inflammatory responses, helps manage the symptoms of migraines, releases endorphins to help prevent migraines

Stress Relieving Activities

-stress plays a role in migraine attacks, activities that promote relaxation may decrease migraines, such activities include meditation, yoga, and being in nature

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