Chronic Pain Management

Chronic pain management begins with lifestyle changes. When we suffer from chronic pain, it takes away the quality of our life. We first must ask ourselves why we are feeling the pain. Please understand the body is capable of healing so much, but it needs to be supported while it does. Pain is usually an indicator something else is going one. With chronic pain, it is often important to look at stress management, an anti-inflammatory diet, exercise, and building a support system by giving your body what it needs and eliminating what it doesn’t. We can use some things like meditation, baths, breathwork, yoga, making art, being in nature, and journaling as forms of stress management. Incorporating foods less like to inflame the body is an important step. If our body cannot tolerate certain foods, eating them will put us into more pain. Incorporating gentle movement may also help to decrease chronic pain. Restorative yoga and walking are excellent ways to move the body in a gentle way. We can take the steps to give our bodies exactly what they are needing and as we do, we will feel the difference.

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