

We all have fears of some kind. For some, it might be the fear of failing while others it’s the fear of falling. We get used to pushing our fears aside and avoiding them. We keep ourselves safe this way, but we also keep ourselves stuck. We can’t move forward as our truest selves when we avoid things in life to make it so we aren’t scared. There might be a promotion available at work, but you don’t go for it because your mind tells you there is no way you’ll get it. Or maybe you have to give a presentation and anxiety hits hard at the thought of standing up in front of a group of people. Fear holds us back from achieving all our goals. You don’t have to go and jump out of a plane to start working on a fear of heights. Start small. We can work on conquering our fears by taking small steps. Each step we take we are closer to mastering what holds us back.

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