Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness

Third Eye Chakra

Our third eye is connected to our spirituality. It brings clarity to all five of the senses in the body. A balanced third eye represents freedom of thought and expression. The third eye is the center of perception, consciousness, and intuition. When …

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is an important area for speaking your truth. When the chakra is open, you are able to speak fearlessly and with compassion. You will also be open to listening and hearing what others have to say. Healthy communication, speaking …

She Prayed

She Prayed — Read on


Meditation has many benefits on the mind and body. It has been proven to benefit cognitive function and focus. When you are feeling out of sorts and having brain fog, take some time for yourself and meditate. Your mind will thank you.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is at the core of our love for ourselves and for others. When this chakra is opened and balanced, it lets us feel unconditional love. It is the guide for how we relate to others and how we handle …

Solar Plexus

The solar plexus is the chakra that gives us confidence when it is aligned. It helps us to feel powerful and know we are capable of doing anything. When it isn’t balanced, the digestive system takes a hit, we may lack self-esteem, …

Holy Basil

Holy basil is an adaptogen that strengthens vitality and increases our ability to handle long-term and every day stressors. It helps us to be resilient and appreciate the joys in life. Holy basil helps to protect the heart, lowers blood pressure and …

Balanced Root Chakra

A balanced root chakra is linked to many positive characteristics. When someone has a balanced root chakra, they are able to focus, feel grounded, and feel like they belong. Circumstances may occur in life, but it doesn’t change their ability to feel …

Sacral Chakra

A balanced sacral chakra supports personal expansion, expansion and exploration of sexuality, desires, and creativity. The chakra is associated with the element of water. It represents a flow and flexibility, allowing our emotions to flow through us without judgement. It allows us …

Waves Crashing

Waves Crashing — Read on


Fearless — Read on


Ashwagandha is an evergreen shrub. It is used as an adaptogen. It contains properties that may help to calm the brain, reduce swelling, and lower blood pressure. It also boosts the immune system.