Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness

Sacral Chakra

Decreased energy flow in the sacral chakra shows up as emotional instability. We may feel out of control of our emotions. There is the possibility of an unbalanced sex drive, either too high or too low. Individuals with low energy in the …


Did you know tea has wellness benefits? The ingredients found in tea, such as the polyphenolic compounds, help in fighting against cardiovascular disease and cancer. Research has been conducted and confirms green tea and black tea both have properties that may help …

Tuesday Affirmations

Good morning! Let’s start our day with Tuesday affirmations. Today, we trust our intuition. We value ourselves. We see ourselves as talented and creative. Repeat these affirmations. Close your eyes and think them. Speak them out loud. Let yourself feel them.

Monday Affirmations

Good morning! Let’s start our day off with some Monday affirmations. When we do affirmations, we put our mind into a positive state. We also increase our vibrations and allow energy flow through us. Take a few minutes and repeat each affirmation …

Peace Of Mind

Peace Of Mind — Read on

Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms are an edible mushroom with anti-inflammatory, immune boosting, and heart protecting benefits. Shiitake may also help to fight off cancer. It contains polysaccharides, vitamins, and minerals. The antioxidants in shiitake help to neutralize free radicals and provide a boost in …

Decreased Energy Flow

Decreased energy flow through the solar plexus may cause issues in the digestive tract and cause stomach ulcers. This chakra is important to keep balanced when our digestive system is off balance, we will notice it in different areas of our body. …

Open Solar Plexus

An open solar plexus manifests us knowing our personal power. The solar plexus is considered the power station of chakras. When it is balanced, we have a higher self-esteem, respect for ourselves and others, and feel uninhibited. We take back our power …

Low Energy

Low energy in the heart chakra manifests as the inability to perceive or receive love. There is a fear of betrayal, sadness, and codependency. Low energy flow also may cause high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer. We can use meditation, affirmations, …

Heart Chakra

When the heart chakra is open, we are full of compassion. We feel unconditional love for ourselves and others. With an open heart chakra, we also create deeper connections with others. We can practice affirmations that emphasize self-love and love for others …


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