Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness

Smoky Quartz

The smoky quartz crystal is a stone for protection. It is used to help with grounding. It may also lift the mood and reduce depression. When our energies are lower, we can use this crystal to help increase our vibrations. Smoky quartz …

Rose Quartz

The rose quartz crystal is known for its ability to boost feelings of self-love as well as boost love for others. This crystal helps emotional health and physical heart health. It also improves circulation. When we use this crystal for healing purposes, …


Heal — Read on

Breath Work Benefits

Breath Work Benefits *Removes stale air *Decreases stress *Increases calmness *Stimulated the lymphatic system *Improves immunity *Increases energy *Decreases blood pressure *Improves digestion *Improves focus *Helps support correct posture

Licorice Root

Licorice root is a flowering plant known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects. It may be used for a variety of conditions, including lung, liver, circulatory, and kidney issues. It provides relief for digestive issues, such as heartburn and ulcers. It …

Healing Trauma

Healing Trauma — Read on


Succeed — Read on

Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Lion’s mane mushroom is a medicinal mushroom with properties that provide health benefits. Lion’s mane is high in antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory and immune boosting abilities. It’s rich in thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. It lowers heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and diabetes risk. …


Incense are a form of aromatherapy with different health benefits. Some will find the use of incense to help increase their focus and calmness. They also help in reducing stress and anxiety. Sandalwood has a calming effect on the body. Using them …

Stimulating Alpha Brain Waves

There are different ways of stimulating alpha brain waves. These brain waves are the ones we experience when our minds are clear of unwanted thoughts. We can stimulate the state of consciousness by practicing deep breathing exercises, closed-eye visualizations, practicing mindfulness, and …

Alpha Brain Wave Benefits

The alpha brain wave benefit the calmness in our mind. The alpha and beta brain waves suggest the different levels of consciousness of the mind. When we engage the alpha brain waves, we promote relaxation while also boosting our creativity. The alpha …