Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness

Root Chakra Affirmations

Root chakra affirmations are a way for us to open and balance our chakra. When the root chakra is closed we may find ourselves feeling fearful, depressed, or anxious. When we practice the affirmations, we can open up the chakra and help …

First Quarter Moon

The phases of the moon symbolize different aspects. The first quarter moon is a time to put the past in the past. It also allows us to move forward and achieve our goals by taking necessary action to get where we are …


Magic — Read on


Hawthorn is an herb with numerous health benefits. It is known to have positive effects on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. It may help to improve heart function. It also has a calming effect to help anxiety and panic. It’s commonly taken …

Good Morning

Start each day on a positive note. Take a moment to focus on your breathing. Let your body accept positive energy while releasing negative energy. Then take a moment to think about the things in your life you are thankful for.

Be Better

Be Better — Read on


We live in a society that criticizes us for feeling emotions. We all hear it. Boys/Men aren’t to cry. If you’re going to cry, cry in private. Emotions are a sign of weakness. All lies told to us to make us hide …

Flower Essences

Flower essences are a safe, low-dose tincture. Your mental state and emotional wellbeing both may benefit from using flower essence remedies.