Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness


Feverfew is a flowering plant in the daisy family. It is commonly used to treat and prevent headaches and migraines. There are different studies that have been conducted to show a reduction in migraine attacks, especially when paired with magnesium, B2, and/or …

Like Energy Attraction

With energy, like attracts like. It’s very similar to the Law of Attraction. The energy we put out is what we receive back. If we are thankful for the things we have and life and are happy, more of those types of …

Vibrations and Illness

Vibrations and illness go hand and hand. When our energy levels are up, so is our immunity. The vibrations we give off increases what we attract back. Illness and disease carry low vibrations. Our bodies are very capable of not only keeping …

Love Me

Love Me — Read on

Palo Santo

Palo Santo helps to rid an area of negative energy and replaces it with positive energy. It works excellent with white sage when the sage is used to cleanse the room first. Palo Santo helps to increase positive vibrations as well.

Energy Healing Balance

Energy healing promotes a balance in the physical body, mind, and spirit. When we focus on keeping a balance in every aspect of our lives, we build up our immune system and our vibrations. This balance helps to create morphic patterns similar …

Your Story

Your Story — Read on

Release Old Energies

In order to get where we are going, we have to release old energies that are keeping us stuck. Old energies that don’t serve a purpose can be released so there is room for new, healing energies. Today, choose to release what …

Akashic Field

The Akashic field contains everything in the universe. It is the is the air, liquids, and solids. It’s the sun and stars. It’s the human body, animal body, and plants. It is the field in which everything emerges.

Walk by Faith

Walk by Faith — Read on

I listen

I listen — Read on