Power of Visualization

Many people underestimate the power of visualization. Taking the time to practice visualization has positive benefits. Through visualization, we can decreasea anxiety and pain, build confidence, release stres, boost motivation, and regulate emotions

Some may have a harder time with visualization. I have go-to visualizations I use to help calm anxiety, life my mood, or balance my emotions. I also use visualization to work on manifesting the life I desire. It’s easier for me to see a place that brings me peace sometimes over being able to see my dreams coming to true. It takes practice and patience.

Find a quiet place where you won’t be interuppted. You may use calming or meditation music if it helps you to relax. Close your eyes. Think of a time you felt calm, or maybe a time you felt happy. What was going on? Where were you? Who or what was around you? Spend time focusing on how you felt. Engage your senses. What do you see? What are you hearing? Are there any smells you recognize? Hold this image, these senses, and feelings for as long as you can. Let yourself return there. While you visualize this place, let your breathing relax. Beathe in letting your lungs expand. Breate out slowly. Stay comfortably seated with your eyes closed for as long as you need to. Once you’re ready, open your eyes, stretch out, and offer gratitude for the use of visualization technqiues and your dreams manifesting.

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