Things to Remember

Sometimes the things to remember are the simplest things to help us along in life. If you want a certain lifestyle, you have to nurture it. By taking care of yourself and what is in your life, your life grows in abundance. It’s important to learn coping skills. If you learn skills to help you with the struggles you face, you equip yourself to be able to get through anything life throws at you. It also requires you to put in the effort. We can’t just expect the best things to come to us without working for it.

When life gets to be too much, remember you can take it all one day at a time. One hour at a time if a day feels like too much. Through it all, try to remain positive and show gratitude for the good in your life. We often overlook the little things in life. Like a good book, a comfy blanket, or a hug from someone important. Show gratitude for the things that help you through.

Also remember when you work at letting your past traumas go, it isn’t about saying these things never happened to you. It’s about saying you won’t let these things define who you are and you won’t let them control your life.

Meditation lets us focus on the now. It helps to quiet the voices in our mind that say life is too much or critiques are every move. Meditation gives us balance. It helps us to take a moment to embrace positivity, show gratitude, nurture ourselves and our life, and to release trauma.

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