Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness


Growth Growth — Read on

Positive Self-Talk

In order to have a positive attitude, we have to increase our positive self-talk. Our minds constantly have something to say. The little voice in your mind is your worst critic. It makes sure to tell you what it thinks you are …

Mind Health

We often ask ourselves questions, but we do so in negative ways. We ask questions like, why can’t I get this? Why am I so stupid? What’s wrong with me? These negative questions have a negative impact on the mind. Instead, we …

Power of Positive Affirmations

Practicing positive affirmations is a way to promote one’s own health and increase their self-image. Positive affirmations can be powerful. They should avoid using the words not and never. They should be short and simple, but full of feeling. They are your …

I matter

I matter I matter — Read on

Optimism for Health

A positive outlook on life helps to create a healthier lifestyle. Optimism has the ability to effect your health. What the mind believes, the body follows. When hit with hard times, asking yourself questions like “why do things like this always happen …


Purpose Purpose — Read on