Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness


Yoga is a way to balance the mind and the body. It uses different poses and breathing techniques to calm the mind and stretch the body.

The Mind

The mind is a powerful tool that is still be learned about. Our thoughts have the power to create the type of day we want. What we think, we bring to us and achieve. Our mind influences our physical well-being and our …


Today — Read on


Nettle is a plant that can be used to help inflammation, muscle pain, and even irritable bowel disease. It also provides spiritual properties, such as grounding and protection.


Prayer is something sometimes overlooked when trying to combat stress. It’s something simple and you can do it anywhere. Even if you don’t believe in God, you can still create a prayer to release your worries and troubles. It could be as …

Music Therapy

Music therapy helps combat stress. When we listen to music, the brain responds. Some music is meant to pick us up and other music is meant to help us relax. Listening to calming music before bed may help a deeper sleep. Waking …


Vitality may be viewed as surviving or thriving. Sometimes all we can focus on is surviving, but once we nurture ourselves, we can start to thrive. We can move from feeling life is exhausting and stressful to feeling rested, passionate, and creative. …


We have all heard that laughter is the best medicine, but do you know why? Laughter combats stress and prevents inflammatory triggers. Laughter is good for our mind and our body.


Exercise is not just good for our body; it is good for our minds too. When we take the time to exercise, it can help to reduce the effects of stress and give us a calmer mind.

Stress Reducing

We have many stress reducing techniques at our fingertips. When we manage our stress, we better our life. It doesn’t cost anything to do deep breathing or to practice meditation or yoga. All of the tips we can try to reduce our …