Month: <span>May 2023</span>
Month: May 2023


Primrose is a plant that may be used as a supplement. The oil from the flower omega-6 fatty acids. Primrose may promote cardiovascular health, reduce blood pressure, and help with hot flashes and menstrual problems. It is also a natural estrogen promoter, …

Yin Yang

Yin yang describes opposites that are interconnected forces. Yin represents the earth and moon while yang represents sun and heavens. Yin governs matter and yang governs energy and cycles of growth and expression. Yin is feminine and yang is masculine. While opposite, …

Herbs to Boost the Immune System

Herbs to boost the immune system are herbs typically high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Ashwagandha has a compound called withanolides which plays a role in helping it to boost immunity. In astragaluls, the antioxidants protect cells against damage. Astragalus may also …

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is an amazing way to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. When we deep breathe, we trigger a calming affect that helps to soothe anxiety during the fight, flight, or freeze response. It gives our bodies the chance to catch up …


Astragalus is an adaptogen. It is capable of protecting the body against mental, emotional, and physical stresses. It contains antioxidant that stimulate the immune system and help to protect against cell damage. The antioxidants may also help decrease the risk of certain …

Power of Visualization

Many people underestimate the power of visualization. Taking the time to practice visualization has positive benefits. Through visualization, we can decreasea anxiety and pain, build confidence, release stres, boost motivation, and regulate emotions Some may have a harder time with visualization. I …

Finding Peace

Finding Peace — Read on